Industrial Lab Services at AEI

Is your business looking for a materials characterization and failure analysis laboratory? Give AEI a call at 303-756-2900 or email

Microscopy, metallography, SEM/EDS, FTIR, and more. Learn more at:
The Keyence microscope H Zoom Lens 20x – 2,000 x provides:
·        Full color, digital optical microscopy up to 2,000x magnification
·        High-resolution, crossed-polarizer stress imaging of translucent samples
·        Materialographic imaging of polished, mounted specimens
·        Metallurgical phase and grain structure analysis

Adam E. Davis Earns CFEI Credential

Adam Davis has a diverse background as a mechanical engineer, safety engineer, and industrial hazard analyst. Mr. Davis utilizes his skillset to conduct dust hazard analyses and industrial accident risk identification and investigation. Join us in congratulating Adam on his latest accomplishment, earning his CFEI designation. Nice work Adam! More about Adam here:

AEI’s Newest Partner

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Brian N. Strandjord on his new role as a Partner at AEI Corporation. Brian’s expertise in forensic engineering, coupled with his dedication to thorough and accurate investigations aligns perfectly with AEI’s mission of delivering reliable, high-quality forensic engineering services. AEI is confident that Mr. Strandjord will play a vital role in its continued growth and success.

We look forward to exciting developments ahead!

Brian N. Strandjord Named Partner at AEI Corporation

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Brian N. Strandjord on his new role as Partner at AEI Corporation. Brian’s expertise in forensic engineering, coupled with his dedication to thorough and accurate investigations, aligns perfectly with AEI’s mission of delivering reliable, high-quality services. AEI is confident that Mr. Strandjord will play a vital role in the continued growth and success of AEI.

We look forward to exciting developments ahead!

We’re Hiring

AEI Corporation is always on the lookout for exceptional talent.  Currently seeking a Fire Protection Engineer and an Administrative Coordinator II. Get the details here.

AEI Laboratory Facilities – Equipment & Capabilities

The right tools can make all the difference. That is why AEI built and maintains one of the foremost state-of-the-art facilities at our headquarters, in Littleton, CO. With over 14,00 square feet and a secured outdoor lot, we are able to easily host large-scale examinations and store sizeable artifacts.


Wildfire Season

While summer brings the warm temperatures we’ve all been craving, it also carries the increased risk of wildfires. As evidenced by several large wildland fires in recent months, the impact of these events is expanding as more people begin to live in WUI’s, or wildland urban interfaces. These are areas where homes back up against forested land, and in Colorado alone, there are approximately 2.9 million people living in a WUI.

When a wildland fire occurs, fire investigators like AEI’s Jeff Berino are dispatched to the burn area to determine the fire’s area of origin and cause. Mr. Berino looks for indicators of the fire’s direction of movement to pinpoint an area of origin, then determines the cause from within that area. We will be spotlighting some of the most interesting indicators of fire movement over the summer.

Be sure to follow us to learn more about how AEI handles wildland fire investigations!

Our fire investigators would be happy to assist you on your next wildland fire case – you can contact us at, or by calling 303-756-2900.

AEI searching for new team members

Never get bored at work again! AEI Corporation is on the lookout for exceptional talent. If you have your BS or MS in engineering, and an interest and/or experience in forensic engineering and investigations, check out the position descriptions on our website and apply today!

Charles B. Sullivan to Present at 2022 WY Claims Association Conference

Charles B. (Charlie) Sullivan is an expert in the layout/design, installation, inspection, testing, maintenance, repair and operation of fire suppression systems and their components, and often addresses industry standard of care issues. He will be presenting on the topic of commercial cooking lines fires for 2 hours at the 2022 WY Claim Association conference on May 12, 2022.

The WY Claims Association is a group of insurance professionals who gather annually for continual education purposes, collaborate on the current insurance trends, discuss any changes in the legislature, and build professional ties with insurance industry peers.