Laboratory & Facility Solutions –OLD


  • Investigators are only as good as the tools at their disposal. This is why we built and maintain one of the foremost state-of-the-art laboratory facilities at our Littleton, CO headquarters, where we can host large-scale examinations of artifacts collected from loss locations. Both destructive and non-destructive testing can be accommodated, based on the needs of our client, and the case.
  • AEI is located on a 2.5 acre secured lot at the end of a cul-de-sac. This allows for outdoor full-scale testing and fire cause evaluation. A few times each year, AEI hosts live burns and educational presentations for the marketplace and community at its facility.
  • During these live burns, scientific data is gathered to further AEI’s understanding of various scenarios. Prior live-burn demonstrations have included, an unattended cooking oil fire, gas grill fire, propane leak explosion, gasoline geysering, deep fat fryer fire, Christmas tree fire, and use of fire suppression systems to extinguish fires. Scientific data collected during these live events contributes to AEI’s expertise and understanding. At the same time, AEI’s guests learn about fire behavior first-hand, and can earn continuing education credits for both insurance and legal industries.
  • Benchtop and Full-Scale Testing

  • AEI’s laboratories provide the proper environment for experts to conduct benchtop component testing and full-scale equipment testing. This approach allows the recreation of incident scenarios to collect scientific data supporting or refuting a hypothesis related to a loss. Test data can be invaluable in resolving claims, negotiating settlements, and informing juries. Should a case proceed to litigation, AEI’s experts are ready and experienced in providing expert witness testimony.